Stingrays and manta rays are amongst some of the most graceful creatures of the ocean. Gliding elegantly through the water, they capture the eyes of many. But a lot of people don’t actually know which is which, despite some of their distinguishable features.


Stingrays can easily be spotted in the ocean, when you know what they look like. These rays have flat bodies and a long tail with a stinger on the end. Stingrays are carnivorous animals that feed mainly on worms, clams, oysters, snails, and shrimp. They can grow up to 6.5 feet long (that’s taller than the average male human by the way) and weigh up to 800 pounds. Stingrays are often found in temperate waters where they enjoy spending most of their time buried in the sand on the seafloor. They’ll actually use their wings to throw sand over themselves as they wiggle their bodies to submerge themselves into the sand. Why are they always on the ground though? Well, because their eyes are on top of their heads meaning that they are unaware of what’s below them, like possible predators. So, by staying low, nothing can attack them from below! With their sand like colors they are also able to camouflage with the sand, protecting them from any predators above them. When they are active though, you can admire them as they use their large wings to gracefully and silently glide through the water. Stingrays also have these small sensors on their underside, called ampullae, that pick up the natural electrical charges coming off of prey, which is how they hunt for food.

Do stingrays actually sting? Yes, stingrays do have a stinger at the end of their tail that carries a venom which can be fatal (depending on where you are struck). BUT that doesn’t mean that anyone should fear them. It’s a bit like sharks, many people fear them because we have this image that they will attack as soon as they see a human but that is completely false. Their stinger is only a means of protection against predators or any danger they sense. So, if you leave them alone, they’ll leave you alone.

Manta Rays

Manta rays are the largest rays in the world, growing up to 29 feet long (depening on the species). These creatures are somewhat diamond shaped with two horns or lobes at the front of their head, large wings, and a tail. Unlike stingrays, manta rays do not have a stinger on the ends of their tails but they have other ways to defend themselves. Manta rays spend their time in tropical, subtropical, and temperate waters where they enjoy swimming peacefully. What’s funny about them is that they’re really big but their diet consists of plankton and krill, which are some of the smallest creatures in the ocean. They’ll enjoy swimming around with their mouths open and eating whatever happens to be in their path.

Manta rays are highly intelligent creatures. When they hunt for food they use certain techniques like circling back around in the same place multiple times or working in a group to surround their prey. They can create mental maps of their surroundings allowing them to remember certain places, meaning they have long term memory. Scientists even believe that they would be able to recognize themselves in a mirror!

So, now that you know the difference between stingrays and manta rays. Why don’t you try to spot which is which in the picture above.