My family has owned a farm for the last 3 years, starting it off with our Nigerian Dwarf goats. We adopted Momo and Olivier back when they were about 3 months old. They’re both so sweet and lovable but they can still be naughty sometimes. Olivier is the big baby of the family and loves to eat. You can hand him anything and he’ll taste it before questioning whether or not it’s good for him. He also loves hugs and his “gratte gratte” which is when we brush him with a little blue brush. Momo on the other hand, is the explorer. He is curious, adventerous, and will try to escape through any little hole he can find. Momo’s more cautious when it comes to eating, he’ll smell something before tasting it and even then he usually won’t eat that much. He does love popcorn and leaves though. They love to play fight, run around together, and lay beside each other to rest.
After the goats we decided to adopt the Speckled Sussex chickens. They were only a few days old when we adopted them and no bigger than our palms. But in a blink of an eye they became the beautiful young chickens that we have today, who have recently started laying eggs. They were identical when they were babies but growing up we noticed that we have one who’s got a lot of speckles, one who’s got a little more of a red color, and two who look the same but we think one might have a white feather on her wing that stands out more than the other. We never really named them because they were alike for so long, so we got used to calling them the chickeys or “les filles” which is “the girls” in French. It’s so cute because they love to gossip so, as soon as you get near them they start talking to you. It feels like they’re telling you about their day and what they’ve been doing.
We had the chickens for about a month before deciding to get the quack quacks, or as they are commonly known as, the ducks. The ducks were the most adorable little things when we got them, so fluffy with their little black eyes like beads. They used to be so scared of us and would huddle up together in a corner every time we got near them. I can’t say they approach us now the way the chickens do but they definitely aren’t as afraid as when we first got them. The quack quacks always move together like a squad, if one is left behind everyone tries to find a way to reunite. There are three females – two of which are American Pecking ducks and one who is an American Black duck – and one male (also an American Black duck) who acts like they are all his ladies. He protects them, and if someone or the other animals approach he’s the one who eyeballs them to make sure they don’t get near. The ducks have also recently begun to lay eggs and believe me duck eggs and chicken eggs taste so different. They love water and I mean LOVE it. Whether it’s a lake, pond, or puddle they will take any chance they get to go for a swim and stop for a drink. We made a small pond for them and no matter what they do not get bored of it. Sometimes they’ll even spend their entire day swimming around and floating.